Math Facts

Our class will be working on the basic addition and subtraction facts the entire year. It is important that your child learn these facts well enough to do them without needing to use a number line or their fingers. All students should know their facts up to 5 from first grade. After they pass the add and subtract facts to 5, they then work on the facts to 10. They will be tested at least 4 days of the week. They will take addition tests on Monday and Wednesday. The subtraction tests will be on Tuesday and Thursday. They must complete a level before they can go on to the next one. 

You should see the half sheets (25 problems) or the full sheets (50 problems) come home in their backpacks. If they finished and passed that level, the paper will be graded. If they did not finish their page it will go home unfinished. Please have them complete the rest of the page at home. If a child finishes all of the facts to 10 before the semester I will allow them to go on to the facts to 18. Those eager beavers who finish even those goals will then start on Multiplication facts. Please do not start working on multiplication until they have passed all their other tests.


First Semester Goals:

Add to 5     25 in 90 sec.

Subtract to 5   25 in 90 sec.

Add to 10    25 in 90 sec.

Subtract to 10 25 in 90 sec.

Add to 10    50 in 90 sec.

Subtract to 10 50 in 90 sec.

Mixed Add and Subtract to 10   50 in 90 sec.


Second Semester Goals:

Add to 18    25 in 90 sec.

Subtract to 18 25 in 90 sec.

Add to 18    50 in 90 sec.

Subtract to 18   50 in 90 sec.

Mixed Add and Subtract to 18    50 in 90 sec.