Weeks 1 - 6

Week 1



1. will john go with us


2. i hitted the ball hard


3. is your brother bill going too


4. my pet whitey is here


5. mr jones were in atlanta yesterday


Week 2


1. i are angry


2. they was washing the car


3. we comed to a high wall


4. he hitted the ball


5. brenda and terry are coming to our house for labor day


Week 3


1. my fathers car is outside


2. jerrys book fell down


3. leslie and me will go


4. that man drawed a map for mrs brown


5. today is september 10 2010


Week 4


1. i m going to pine street


2. don t you want this cookie


3. the rocks hitted the door


4. those men they works hard


5. yesterday i went to my friends house to eat


6. today is september 17 2010


Week 5


1. hes bigger so larry runned away
2. we gots a new dog
3. that girl has finded the teachers pen
4. on friday her went shopping
5. yesterday we ate some cake
6. today is friday september 24 2010


Week 6 


1. he done it at 4 30
2. some people cant hear too well
3. my parents they like to watch football games
4. mary borrowed janes pencil
5. we re learning a new song
6. i gots a bag of marbles
7. today is friday october 1 2010